Training Your Dog In A Few Easy Steps

Everyone knows that dogs can be man's best friend. However, we don't let our friends jump on us or chew on our shoes and we shouldn't let our dogs, either. This article can help you understand the importance of dog training and why it is good for your dog and helps him be a better member of your family

When you are training your new dog or puppy that will be living indoors a good thing to do is the crate training. The dogs first impressions of the crate are the most important. Try putting some dog treats around the crate and leading into it so that they can walk around and inside the crate. Make sure that you are positive and upbeat so that they know it's a good thing.

Swatting or hitting your dog is not a good training method. If you attempt to train your dog in this manner, all you are teaching them is to be scared of you. Eventually, the dog will stop listening to voice commands, and will only respond to you raising your hand. Getting a dog's loyalty through fear is a mistake on the owner's part.

If your dog does not seem to be responding to your training, make an appointment with your vet. If your dog is not learning properly, it does not mean they are dumb. Sometimes physical and occasionally mental maladies could cause your dog to not respond properly to training. Your vet may be able to give you some indication to the problem.

When you are working on commands with your dog, work only on one command at a time, and only say the command one time. Do not say the command word more than once. Your goal is for your dog to obey the command immediately. You don't want to have to say the same thing over and over.

It is important to understand that training your dog will require a lot of patience and repetition. It often takes a dog between 25 and 50 repetitions before they are able to learn a new command. Getting frustrated will only delay your results and may hurt your relationship with your pet.

If you are trying to train a teething puppy not to chew on your clothing or belongings, give it an appropriate item on which to chew. Teething puppies have an instinctive need to chew, in order to relieve the pain. However, don't give your puppy old shoes or clothing, as they will learn that those items are okay to chew on.

Don't get discouraged when training your dog. You may start to feel as though you will be carrying around messy treats in your pocket for the rest of your life. This is not the case. As your dog learns a new behavior, he will look to rewards less often for that behavior.

Physical punishment does not work, and can hinder training. Never ever hit your dog, especially when training. While it may appear to work because the dog stops the behavior, in reality they have only learned to fear you and not do that behavior in your presence. So toss out that rolled up newspaper and break out some tasty treats instead.

To train a dog how to act around people and guests in your home, it is crucial that the dog is socialized with other people. This contact with people, especially people who are new to your dog, will allow you to train the dog on how he should react. This is very useful to the training process.

Not showering your dog with enough positive reinforcement when he does good, will reduce the power you have over him in training. Since dogs love attention, giving them plenty of it, provides him with incentive to listen to you. If all he ever hears from you is what not to do, he is not getting any encouragement, only discouragement, so be sure to reward him with praise often.

A good dog training tip is to be consistent with the words you use when you communicate with your dog. English is a foreign language to dogs and they're constantly trying to decipher what you're saying. By being consistent with your words, your dog will be more likely to learn.

The fastest way to train your dog to sit is to utilize positive reinforcement. If you command your dog to sit and he or she sits for a decent amount of time, then you can give the dog a treat. The dog will then recognize that when you say sit, if they succeed they will get a treat so they will eagerly sit longer and longer.

Dogs are indeed man's best friend. As this article has stated, dog training is an important part of taking care of your dog. Training your dog helps him to understand what you want from him. Your dog wants to please you and dog training can help you to show your dog what you expect from him. That will make both of you happy.